Thursday, April 19, 2007


Okay, who laughed at my theory that if only I had ENOUGH sock yarn I'd be able to knit socks like a madwoman? Well, I'm doing the laughing now. Just a week after my brother-in-law's lovely gift of FOUR, count 'em FOUR hanks of sock yarn, I have finished the first child's sock, and turned the heel of the second. It's simple knitting from here to the toe, and they'll be finished before his feet grow any more! Then, MY feet get their turn.

The Evidence:
April 14 (not changed since Oct 06):

April 17:

April 19:

Bring it on!

Giving my hands a break from the fingering weight and the size 1 needles, I also worked on (and quickly finished) this:

My dear husband is a happy enabler of my knitting, and is a great sport about hunting down LYS wherever he might be. This lovely skein, assembled from a variety of different novelty yarns, was purchased at Needlepoint and Knitting in Boston, and the owner's directions are so simple that she wrote them down in a tiny space on the ball band for my husband. "Cast on 180. Knit, knit, knit." I think she assumed that I would know enough to cast off.

I did end up writing her an e-mail -- believe it or not, I had a question about the "knit, knit, knit" part. I was unsure if each row should be only 1 type of yarn, or if I was meant to continue throug until it ran out, meaning that I could potentially have two rows of a certain yarn on one half of the scarf, and none of that yarn at all on the other end of the scarf. I was told to just keep going. I guess that should be explicit in "knit, knit, knit," but then again I'm a bit obsessive and that perfectionist thing was coming out. In the end, I decided that I LIKED the unevenness of the colors and yarns.

"It's a FEATURE, not a BUG."

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