Friday, August 3, 2007

Bridge down?

The last 24 hours have been a bit surreal. The 35W bridge is down, as the entire world knows. There are a lot of bridges in Minneapolis. I even drove over the Mississippi River 4 times (on 2 different bridges) on August 2nd, hours before the 35W bridge collapse. Quick calls all around assured us that our friends and relatives were not on the bridge, and we are thankful, yet stunned. I keep thinking about the families who escaped, who are injured, or who have missing. I think of the bravery of the divers in that muck -- what a mess.

I had taken the safety and security of the roads here for granted. Now each bridge I drive over or under (and there are a lot of them) I take a little more notice.

Hug your loved ones again today.

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