Yes, I spent valuable and well-spent hours and many ziplock bags organizing the stash. It's now organized by fiber type (in general), by amount of same skeins (in general), and it's ALL put away.
Here is proof!
Stash Drawer 1 -- wools, Malabrigo, Noro, Manos del Uruguay, sock yarn, cotton, Zara, Zarina

Stash drawer 2 -- small quantities of things, lace yarn, alpaca (destined to be Christmas present hats)

Stash cupboard 3 -- large quantities of things, many purchased before I knew what I was doing.... Wool, alpaca, silk, wool cashmere blends, all the fancy acrylics, and a few one-ball-wonders (named such because I wonder what I will ever do with it).

Obviously, I have plenty of room for more yarn. Time? I'm not so sure about time.
Oh, wait, there's my stash in Minnesota, too. That's my summer knitting. (I am a very good planner, and a moderately good executer -- we'll see how much actually gets knitted up.)
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