It's been a busy fall, busy holiday season, and well, just busy.
A little show and tell: first the tell. In December I finished several knitting projects, worked on a quilt, caught 14 very large fish with 3 family members (I reeled in 4 or 5 mahi-mahi by myself!), and oh, what was that last thing...?
Give me a minute to think....
OH, YEAH! My shodo calligraphy was exhibited in the brand new National Art Center Tokyo museum!!!
That would be THIS museum:

Another view:

My work hanging, picture of me and my sensei:

Someone also wrote a very generous article about my shodo calligraphy in a magazine this month. The author was gracious and kind, and she did a very nice job on the article making me look good. I've reached the "apprentice teacher level," which is the rank before full-fledged teacher, but I'm not going to be making that jump for a good while, if ever.
(Vocabulary: shodo = the way of the brush, as it were. It's Japanese calligraphy, and I study the sosho form, doing mostly kana work, although I've done some all-kanji poems and some short kanjis as well.)
It's kind of a shame to blur that set of pics with fish pictures, or knitting or quilting pictures, so I'll save those for another post. Truly, the fish pics need their very own post. I'm as proud of them as I could be.
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