Have you seen this children's video?
"Fish, fish, fish, fish, fish."
"No, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish."
A prize (virtual prize, that is) to whoever can name that show.
Our day could have been called:
We went for a little fishing trip on Saipan, a four hour tour (slightly different from Gilligan's Island, so we felt safe that we wouldn't end up on a deserted island.)
BTW, the literary enthusiast in me would like to point out that while the three words "four hour tour" all end in -our, none of them rhyme with another.Did I mention the fish? There were fish, and lots of them. We started with 4 lures in the water, and quickly dropped that to two lures, since we had a lot of simultaneous reeling going on, and there were hundreds of yards of fishing line to be re-strung with lots of pounds of fish fighting on the other end.
Another side note: when I was learning about how to teach reading, my instructor showed us this word: GHOTI.
Can you sound it out? GHOTI.
GH is the "f" sound in laugh.
O is the "i" sound from women.
TI is the "sh" sound from action.
It's pronounced FISH. Obviously, laughing women in action are fishing, and that's what I was doing -- laughing hysterically while my muscles were screaming, as fish after fish fought to get on our lines.
So, are you still reading? Ready to see the fish picture? That's what you're really here for, I know.
Here's me and my dad, holding up two of our 13 mahi-mahis, also known as El Dorado, I'm told. He also caught a rainbow runner. We ate them for dinner, prepared as sashimi, grilled, tempura, and poached in white wine. It was amazing.