Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I love Ravelry.

Wait -- I REALLY love Ravelry.

I love Ravelry so much that I've spent most of the last month's 'online time' updating my stash on the Ravelry site. I've barely blogged. I've been photographing new yarn purchases, uploading them into Flickr, and putting in all my books, FOs, UFOs, etc.

I believe the big opening to many folks is happening very soon, so get in line and get ready to be wowed.

So, in the real world (i.e. not virtual), I'm back in Tokyo (a whole 24 hours now), and I've unpacked most of the bags. I have put all the newly purchased yarn in ziplock bags, and stuffed it all in the big TV cabinet (that no longer has a TV). It is now full, and I've imposed a 'no purchase rule' on myself. (I've heard from reputable sources that sock yarn is not counted in these rules.)

While in Minnesota, I purchased enough yarn, patterns, and books to keep me knitting for a few years. As a matter of fact, I entered a lovely yarn store while on vacation, and fondled many lovely things, yet BOUGHT NOTHING but a gauge and needle thingy. My husband seemed impressed at my restraint, and I honestly told him that he should be very afraid if he saw such restraint because it meant that even I now believed that I had too much yarn. Incredible, I know.

Must sleep -- jet lag makes me cranky.

1 comment:

JRS said...

I know how you feel! I have been going to all these amazing LYS here in the States, but it's gotten to the point where I have so much of everything that even I can't justify any more yarn purchases (except for friends back in Japan!) I can't seem to stop going in when I get a chance though.