I'm an American living in Tokyo, with some serious craft-itis.
The Tokyo part: It's cherry blossom season, the perfect image of Japan. This is what you see when you aim your camera carefully:
What you don't see are 300 other people taking the exact same picture, either with their huge digital SLRs or their tiny pocket digitals, or else their phones.
Craftiness? Isn't this about STITCHING for goodness sake?
Right now, I have 4 knitting projects on needles, one getting frogged, 2 waiting to be blocked, and several in my head.
Recently I made the same hat using a gorgeous Malabrigo yarn (yum) in autumn colors, mainly to see if I could re-create the decreases and this time write them down (I met with moderate success). The Malabrigo is a totally different feel, not much twist to the yarn, and a much thicker feel. It's incredibly soft and yummy merino. I found it at The Knitter's Nook in Minocqua Wisconsin, and Linden Hills Yarns in Minneapolis and The Yarnery in Saint Paul carry it as well. (I like to buy yarn wherever I go, supporting the LYSs all over the place.)
I'm also working on a queen sized quilt that will go into the school auction getting its binding on now (I took a break), a twin top finished, and a wall quilt nearly finished.
School quilt pic -- be very impressed, and no, this is not all my work (hardly), but our school quilting group's work:
Next: more pictures of school quilt as it continues, and hopefully pictures of our class washi project!
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